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Product Description

Technics SL-1210 Low Jitter Clock

This clock is a development from the C2 low jitter clock allowing it to connect directly to the 21V of the Technics power supply.

It is designed to be placed on top of the AN6680 and wire down to the pcb in place of X201 (fitting instructions will be emailed).

Why re clock the Technics? The Technics uses a Quartz lock system where a standard crystal is used as a reference for timing the speed of the platter. Swapping out the original crystal with a more precise oscillator allows for a even more precise 'Quarts lock'. There will be less speed variation and improved timing to the audio.

We have sold these clocks to high end TT manufacturers and customers who have tuned up or high end direct drive turntables.


The C2 low jitter clock. Using knowledge from our higher specced clocks and Spower HC low noise voltage regulators we have been able to design a high performing clock at very affordable price. Utilizing optimized low noise voltage regulation, careful attention to component selection and track layout.

The C2 provides the ideal replacement to the manufacturers clock in your CD / SACD / BLURAY & DVD player that offers exceptional timing and detail allied to delicate treble reproduction and extended bass.

‘Timing is the essence of musicality’ and without an accurate clock in your CD player, DAC or music server you will never hear the original performance as it was intended’

Accuracy: +/- 1ppm
Measured Jitter less than 2PSec
Stable clock output to 6 decimal places +/- 6 digits
On board custom SPower ‘HC' low noise regulation
Low ESR high ripple Polymer decoupling capacitor
High Precision oscillator
Underside ground plane shield
High grade copper pcb
7V to 22V input
30mA low current design
Compact design
Flat underside for easier mounting
40mm x 22mm


c2 technics 1210
fidelity audio
Product Code
c2 technics 1210

1 Customer Reviews

Technics SL-1210 Low Jitter Clock

Product Code c2 technics 1210